Places to go... Lions to see
One of the things I enjoy most in life is thinking on good times, but sometimes my memory isn't as good as it should be for a twenty-something. So, when Daniel and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary last month, I wanted to do something special to help us remember a few of our good times.
SO, I bought tacks, a cork board, and a map to aide in our memory journey to all the places we've been together.
After we stuck a tack in the places we have been, we dreamed about the places we want to go.
The map was a map of only the US, and if we want to conquer all of those dots we better get busy! But, of course, I do enjoy traveling internationally, which Daniel & I haven't had the opportunity to do together. Someday (SOON!) we will.
Why in the world am I writing about this today? Well, last night we were cleaning our basement (which is where all of the random items go including our dogs!), and I took special notice of a collection of wooden animals.
The animals were brought back by my parents on our trip to Africa, a trip that I have always cherished and longed to repeat! So, blame the animals for this post!
Any brides getting married in Africa who'd like to fly us over? :)